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Product Ideas Pitch Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Juard Van Dijkhorst
Created on Oct 1, 2024

Can we add a search (inbound and/or on site) populated block in a prominent spot?

No description provided
Product value score
Business Priority (Optional) Engagement
Values Public Service
State your hypothesis, tying your project back to the impact it might have.

Can we systemize and elevate inbound and/or internal search term related stories more automatically? Even with a quick manual review before enabling each piece, it might allow us to retain more traffic seeking specific stories and add additional options to our other visitors.

Which metrics would you use to track the success of this project? We will use this as the foundation of our experiment design. (Optional)

Bounce rate. Time per session/user. Average pages per session. Referral traffic % by volume.

What problem are we trying to solve for our communities with this experiment? How might it help us better serve them?

Wondering if a search populated (a flagged review would be fine before adding) block on our site could help us elevate some news people might be looking for but we haven't produced stories about yet.

Example from 10.1.24 Port strikes and Hurricane aftermath/efforts were far below the fold (at least on desktop)

Lay out the potential project steps to the best of your ability, including key teams that would need to be consulted. This is your best knowledge of the systems, tools and lift that would be required.

We'd need to involve the web development team for an initial feasibility analysis.
Web editorial and content teams would need to help define a process and how things might be flagged quickly and impact workflow.

Effort (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
Urgency (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
Business Impact (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
Cost (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 1
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