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Product Ideas Pitch Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Rachael Snow
Created on Jul 18, 2024

Create common dashboards for email metrics

No description provided
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Values Public Service
State your hypothesis, tying your project back to the impact it might have.

That it would be easier to make informed decisions about changes to our newsletters and drive towards common goals if metrics around email were commonly understood and accessible.

Which metrics would you use to track the success of this project? We will use this as the foundation of our experiment design. (Optional)

Delivered, opens and open rate, clicks and click rate. Specific click counts and clicks by subject area. $ raised and 5 of list that are active members.

What problem are we trying to solve for our communities with this experiment? How might it help us better serve them?

This serves OPB internally more than our communities, though our audience would benefit if we were better able to test and interate. The problem are are trying to solve is that email data and metrics are siloed and cumbersome to access.

Lay out the potential project steps to the best of your ability, including key teams that would need to be consulted. This is your best knowledge of the systems, tools and lift that would be required.

Determine KPIs, identify data sources, figure out how to combine that data, figure out how to access that data from analytics tools, build and test dashboards, profit.

Effort (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
Urgency (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 1
Business Impact (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
Cost (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 1
Alignment with Values (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) 2
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