Product value score | 5 |
Values | Pursuit of Truth, Accessibility, Curiosity, Public Service |
State your hypothesis, tying your project back to the impact it might have.
Our desktop, mobile and app presentation is clearer for audiences (and easier to manage for the digital content team) when it's consistent across devices. |
What problem are we trying to solve for our communities with this experiment? How might it help us better serve them?
Display tags on the homepage (not the same as the metadata tags) give people browsing the homepage a little extra context about related links under stories pinned to the page. They might say something like "extra context" for a related link that provides extra context or "watch the video" for a related link about a video. But they don't appear in the app -- and may not appear on mobile devices. We should make sure this context is available to our web readers across platforms. |
Lay out the potential project steps to the best of your ability, including key teams that would need to be consulted. This is your best knowledge of the systems, tools and lift that would be required.
Web product team agrees this is a need I have no idea if this is an OPB development task or something that Mercury would need to do. |
Effort (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) | 2 |
Urgency (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) | 3 |
Business Impact (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) | 3 |
Cost (scale of 1-lowest to 4-highest) | 1 |